Tochinoumi Teruyoshi

Tochinoumi Teruyoshi
Tochinoumi Teruyoshi

Tochinoumi Teruyoshi was a Japanese professional sumo wrestler from Aomori. He was the sport's 49th yokozuna, earning promotion in 1964. He was somewhat overshadowed by his yokozuna contemporaries Taihō and Kashiwado, but he was a noted technician and earlier in his career won six special prizes for Technique. He was one of the lightest yokozuna ever at just 110 kg. After his retirement from active competition in 1966 he was a coach at Kasugano stable, and was head coach from 1990 until his retirement in 2003.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
March 13rd, 1938
Birth Place
Date of Death
January 29th, 2021
Died Aged
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