Thomas Dolby

Thomas Dolby
Thomas Dolby

Thomas Morgan Robertson, known by the stage name Thomas Dolby, is an English musician, producer, entrepreneur and teacher. He came to prominence in the 1980s, releasing hit singles including "She Blinded Me with Science" (1982) and "Hyperactive!" (1984). He has also worked in production and as a session musician. In the 1990s he founded Beatnik, a Silicon Valley software company whose technology was used to create the Nokia tune. He was also the music director for the TED Conference. On faculty at the Peabody Institute at Johns Hopkins University since 2014, Dolby leads Peabody's Music for New Media program, which enrolled its first students in the fall of 2018.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Thomas Morgan Robertson
Date of Birth
October 14th, 1958
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
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