Thierry Henry

Thierry Henry
Thierry Henry

Thierry Daniel Henry is a French professional football coach and former player who is currently the manager of Major League Soccer club CF Montréal. He is considered one of the greatest strikers of all time and has often been debated as the greatest player in the history of the Premier League. In 2003 and 2004, Henry was the runner-up for the FIFA World Player of the Year, and was runner-up for the Ballon d'Or in the former year. He was named the PFA Players' Player of the Year twice, the FWA Footballer of the Year three times, and was named in the PFA Team of the Year six consecutive times. He was also included in the FIFA FIFPro World XI once and the UEFA Team of the Year five times. Formerly a figurehead for Nike, he was one of the most commercially marketed footballers during the 2000s.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Thierry Daniel Henry
Date of Birth
August 17th, 1977
Birth Place
France, Île-de-France
Star Sign
187 cm | 6'2
Football Manager
Social Networks , Links
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