Thado Dhamma Yaza III of Prome

Thado Dhamma Yaza III of Prome

Thado Dhamma Yaza III was viceroy of Prome (Pyay) from 1589 to 1595, and self-styled king of Prome from 1595 to 1597. Hnaung was initially a loyal vassal of his father King Nanda until 1594 when he openly clashed with his brother Crown Prince Minye Kyawswa. Hnaung revolted in 1595 during the Siamese siege of Pegu (Bago). His revolt started a string of other revolts by the major vassal states of the Toungoo Empire in the next two years. His attempts to take over territories beyond Prome's traditional vassals in the present-day Magwe Region were unsuccessful. The self-proclaimed king was assassinated by Yan Naing, one of his trusted advisers, on the eve of his planned invasion of Upper Burma in 1597.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1570
Birth Place
Myanmar, Bago
Date of Death
January 1st, 1597
Died Aged
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