Mingyi Swa

Mingyi Swa

Mingyi Swa was heir apparent of Burma from 1581 to 1593. The eldest son of King Nanda of the Toungoo Dynasty led three out of the five Burmese invasions of Siam between 1584 and 1593, all of which ended in complete failure. He died in action during the fifth invasion in 1593. In prevailing Thai history, he was killed in single combat by King Naresuan. However no other accounts, including the earliest Siamese records and European accounts, mention a formal duel between the two. The Burmese chronicles say Swa was felled by a Siamese mortar round.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 27th, 1558
Birth Place
Myanmar, Bago
Date of Death
January 8th, 1593
Died Aged
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