Sven Stolpe

Sven Stolpe
Sven Stolpe

Sven Stolpe was a Swedish writer, translator, journalist, literary scholar and critic. His brother was Herman Stolpe. Sven Stolpe was active in Swedish literary and intellectual discussion for most of his life. In the early 1930s, he argued for internationalism and argued against aestheticism, but he was also part of the Oxford Group which claimed the necessity of "moral and spiritual re-armament" and later in life, in 1947, he became a Catholic. Among his literary production is a dissertation on Queen Christina of Sweden, who abdicated as a result of her own conversion to Catholicism, which was published in 1959.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 24th, 1905
Date of Death
August 26th, 1996
Died Aged
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