Stipe Miocic

Stipe Miocic
Stipe Miocic

Stipe Miocic is an American professional mixed martial artist and firefighter-paramedic of Croatian descent. He is currently signed to Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), where he competes in the heavyweight division and is a two-time and current UFC Heavyweight Champion. Having successfully defended his title a total of 4 times in his 2 title reigns, he holds the record for most wins in heavyweight title fights along with the longest title defending streak in the heavyweight division, at 3 consecutive defenses. Miocic holds the record for fight-night bonus awards, with nine, the most in the UFC heavyweight division's history.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 19th, 1982
Birth Place
United States of America, Ohio
Star Sign
191 cm | 6'3
Social Networks , Links
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