List of Famous people named Stipe

Here are some famous Stipes:

Stipe Miocic

First Name Stipe
Last Name Miocic
Born on August 19, 1982 (age 41)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Stipe Miocic is an American professional mixed martial artist and firefighter-paramedic of Croatian descent. He is currently signed to Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), where he competes in the heavyweight division and is a two-time and current UFC Heavyweight Champion. Having successfully defended his title a total of 4 times in his 2 title reigns, he holds the record for most wins in heavyweight title fights along with the longest title defending streak in the heavyweight division, at 3 consecutive defenses. Miocic holds the record for fight-night bonus awards, with nine, the most in the UFC heavyweight division's history.

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Stipe Erceg

First Name Stipe
Last Name Erceg
Born on October 30, 1974 (age 49)

Stipe Erceg is a German/Croatian actor. He is notable for playing the role of Peter in the 2004 Hans Weingartner film The Edukators alongside Daniel Brühl and Julia Jentsch, as well as the role of Holger Meins in The Baader Meinhof Complex.

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Stipe Pletikosa

First Name Stipe
Last Name Pletikosa
Born on January 8, 1979 (age 45)
Height 193 cm | 6'4

Stipe Pletikosa is a Croatian former professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper.

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