Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe
Rob Lowe

Robert Hepler Lowe is an American actor, producer, and director. He made his acting debut at the age of 15 with ABC's short-lived sitcom A New Kind of Family (1979–1980). Following numerous television roles in the early 1980s, he came to prominence as a teen idol and member of the Brat Pack with roles in films like The Outsiders (1983), Class (1983), The Hotel New Hampshire (1984), Oxford Blues (1984), St. Elmo's Fire (1985), About Last Night... (1986), and Square Dance (1987). The success of these films established him as a Hollywood star.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
March 17th, 1964
Birth Place
United States of America, Virginia
Star Sign
178 cm | 5'10
Social Networks , Links
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Benjamin Oliver in Wayne's World
Sam Seaborn in The West Wing
Billy Hicks in St. Elmo's Fire
Ben Mears in Salem's Lot
Skip in Class
Dean Sanderson in The Grinder
Owen Strand in 9-1-1: Lone Star
Bill Hixon in Wild Bill
Dazzle Novak in Moonbeam City
Dr. Ethan Willis in Code Black
Simba in The Lion Guard
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