Rick Astley

Rick Astley
Rick Astley

Richard Paul Astley is an English singer, songwriter and radio personality. He rose to fame through his association with the production trio Stock Aitken Waterman; his 1987 recording of their song "Never Gonna Give You Up" was a number 1 hit single in 25 countries, winning the 1988 Brit Award for Best British Single. His 1988 single "Together Forever" became his second single to top the US Billboard Hot 100, and was one of his eight songs to reach the top ten on the UK Singles Chart. By the time of his retirement in 1993, Astley had sold approximately 40 million records worldwide.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
February 6th, 1966
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Star Sign
175 cm | 5'9
Social Networks , Links
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