Ricardo Arona

Ricardo Arona

Ricardo Arona is a retired Brazilian mixed martial artist. A professional from 2000 until 2009, he competed in PRIDE Fighting Championships and RINGS in his mixed martial arts career, and was a member of Brazilian Top Team. He is the former RINGS Middleweight Champion, as well as the 2001 RINGS Middleweight Championship Tournament Winner, and 2005 PRIDE Middleweight Grand Prix Runner-Up. In submission wrestling, he holds an undefeated record of 13–0, never losing a single point in a match, and is a three-time ADCC Champion. He has notable wins in both MMA and submission grappling competition over Tito Ortiz, Jeff Monson, Renato Sobral, Vitor Belfort, Mark Kerr, Kazushi Sakuraba, Wanderlei Silva, Dan Henderson, Alistair Overeem, Murilo Rua, Jeremy Horn, Guy Mezger, and Dean Lister.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 17th, 1978
Birth Place
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Star Sign
180 cm | 5'11
Social Networks , Links
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