Pierre de Luxembourg

Pierre de Luxembourg
Pierre de Luxembourg

Pierre de Luxembourg was a French Roman Catholic prelate who served the Bishop of Metz and pseudocardinal from 1384 until his death. Pierre was descended from nobles who secured his entrance into the priesthood when he started to serve in several places as a canon before he was named as the Bishop of Metz and a pseudocardinal under an antipope. He was noted for his austerities and successes in diocesan reform as well as for his dedication to the faithful but he tried to end the Western Schism that pitted pope against antipope and rulers against rulers. His efforts were in vain and he was soon driven from Metz but moved to southern France where he died from anorexia as a result of his harsh self-imposed penances.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 20th, 1369
Birth Place
France, Grand Est
Date of Death
July 10th, 1387
Died Aged
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