P. T. Barnum

P. T. Barnum
P. T. Barnum

Phineas Taylor Barnum was an American showman, politician, and businessman, remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and for founding the Barnum & Bailey Circus (1871–2017). He was also an author, publisher, and philanthropist, though he said of himself: "I am a showman by profession ... and all the gilding shall make nothing else of me". According to his critics, his personal aim was "to put money in his own coffers." He is widely credited with coining the adage "There's a sucker born every minute", although no proof can be found of him saying this.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Phineas Taylor Barnum.
Birth Place
United States of America, Connecticut
Date of Death
April 7th, 1891
Died Aged
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