Minnie Miñoso

Minnie Miñoso
Minnie Miñoso

Orestes "Minnie" Miñoso, nicknamed "The Cuban Comet" and "Mr. White Sox", was a Cuban professional baseball player. He began his baseball career in the Negro leagues in 1946 and became an All-Star third baseman with the New York Cubans. He was signed by the Cleveland Indians of Major League Baseball (MLB) after the 1948 season as baseball's color line fell. Miñoso went on to become an All-Star left fielder with the Indians and Chicago White Sox. The first Black Cuban in the major leagues and the first black player in White Sox history, as a 1951 rookie he was the one of the first Latin Americans to play in an MLB All-Star Game.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Saturnino Orestes Arrieta Armas
Date of Birth
November 29th, 1925
Birth Place
Cuba, Havana Province
Date of Death
March 1st, 2015
Died Aged
Star Sign
Social Networks , Links
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