List of Famous people named Minnie

Similar names: Manny, Mina, Minna, Mino, Min, Mann, Mani, Mano, Mena, Meena, Manne, Mini, Man, Miina, Mannie, Maan, Mayan, Myanna, Menno, Mine, Mana, Meine, Maine, Manea, Minayo, Meno, Manna, Mayne, Menna, Maayan, Miny. Here are some famous Minnies:

Minnie Driver

First Name Minnie
Born on January 31, 1970 (age 54)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Amelia Fiona Jessica "Minnie" Driver is an English-American actress, singer and songwriter. For her role as Skylar in Gus Van Sant's Good Will Hunting, she was nominated for both the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Her other films include Grosse Pointe Blank; The Phantom of the Opera; and her breakout role in 1995, Circle of Friends.

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Minnie Weisz

First Name Minnie
Born on November 30, 1972 (age 51)

Anna Alexandra "Minnie" Weisz is a British photographer and visual artist. She specialises in the camera obscura and adapts the technique to turn entire rooms into cameras.

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Minnie Apphia Rose Harding

First Name Minnie
Born on January 1, 1990 (age 34)
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Minnie Frances Edith Macnaghten

First Name Minnie
Born on May 6, 1903
Died on May 28, 1903
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Minnie Kathleen Maria Joyce

First Name Minnie
Born on February 3, 1902 (age 122)
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