Michael Keaton

Michael Keaton
Michael Keaton

Michael John Douglas, known professionally as Michael Keaton, is an American actor. He first rose to fame for his roles on the CBS sitcoms All's Fair and The Mary Tyler Moore Hour and his comedic film roles in Night Shift (1982), Mr. Mom (1983), Johnny Dangerously (1984), and Beetlejuice (1988). He earned further acclaim for his dramatic portrayal of the title character in Tim Burton's Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992).

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Michael John Douglas
Date of Birth
September 5th, 1951
Birth Place
United States of America, Pennsylvania
Star Sign
175 cm | 5'9
Social Networks , Links
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Riggan in Birdman
Adrian Toomes, Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming
Walter 'Robby' Robinson in Spotlight
Batman, Bruce Wayne in Batman
Batman, Bruce Wayne in Batman Returns
Betelgeuse in Beetlejuice
Walter Nelson in Minions
Raymond Sellars in RoboCop
Ray Kroc in The Founder
Stan Hurley in American Assassin
V. A. Vandevere in Dumbo
Jonathan Rivers in White Noise
Ray Peyton Sr. in Herbie: Fully Loaded
Jack Frost in Jack Frost
Peter McCabe in Desperate Measures
Carter Hayes in Pacific Heights
President Mackenzie in First Daughter
Walter Malby in Post Grad
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