Megan Lukan

Megan Lukan

Megan Lukan is a Canadian multi-sport athlete. Lukan switched to rugby from basketball after graduating in May 2015 from the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay, where she was a four-year starting guard for the Green Bay women's Division l basketball team. During her UWGB basketball career, Lukan set a number of records included most career assists since the team became a member of the NCAA's Division I and most minutes played during a career. Lukan is a Canadian rugby union player, who was named to Canada's first ever women's rugby sevens Olympic team at the 2016 Summer Olympics. In 2018, she was selected by the Canadian Olympic Committee and was sponsored to attend Smith School of Business MBA program at Queen's University. Lukan's younger sister Kaili Lukan also played basketball at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and is a current member of the Canada women's national rugby sevens team.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
February 14th, 1992
Birth Place
Canada, Ontario
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