Masako Katsuki

Masako Katsuki

Masako Katsuki is a Japanese actress, voice actress and narrator formerly affiliated with Theater Echo and now with 81 Produce. Following her debut in Shiroi Kiba: White Fang Monotagari as the role of Mary Scott, Katsuki has lent her voice to several notable anime, Japanese-dubbed films and TV series, games, drama CDs, narration, and commercials. Some of her best-known roles include: Maria Von Trapp in Trapp Family Story, Reccoa Londe in Zeta Gundam, Maya Kitajima in Glass Mask, Masuyo Ikari in High School! Kimengumi, Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune in Sailor Moon and Tsunade in Naruto.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Masako Shiono
Birth Place
Japan, Aomori Prefecture
Social Networks , Links
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Reiko Kashiwara in Gunbuster
Kayura in Ronin Warriors
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