Lionel Tennyson, 3rd Baron Tennyson

Lionel Tennyson, 3rd Baron Tennyson
Lionel Tennyson, 3rd Baron Tennyson

Lionel Hallam Tennyson, 3rd Baron Tennyson was known principally as a first-class cricketer who captained Hampshire and England. The grandson of the poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson and the son of the Governor-General of Australia, he succeeded his father to the title in 1928, having been known before that as "The Hon Lionel Tennyson". He should not be confused with his uncle, after whom he was named, who was also "The Hon Lionel Tennyson".

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 7th, 1889
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England, City of Westminster
Date of Death
June 6th, 1951
Died Aged
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