Kim Basinger

Kim Basinger
Kim Basinger

Kimila Ann Basinger is an American actress, singer and former fashion model. Following a successful modeling career in New York, Basinger moved to Los Angeles where she began her acting career on television in 1976. She starred in several made-for-television films, including a remake of From Here to Eternity (1979), before making her feature debut in the drama Hard Country (1981).

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Kimila Ann Basinger
Date of Birth
December 8th, 1953
Birth Place
United States of America, Georgia
Star Sign
169 cm | 5'7
Social Networks , Links
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Lynn Bracken in L.A. Confidential
Vicki Vale in Batman
Stephanie Smith in 8 Mile
Jessica Martin in Cellular
Domino Petachi in Never Say Never Again
Claire St. Cloud in Charlie St. Cloud
Sally in Grudge Match
1st Lady Sarah Ballentine in The Sentinel
Memo Paris in The Natural
Elizabeth in 9½ Weeks
Nadia Gates in Blind Date
Celeste Martin in My Stepmother Is an Alien
Holli Would in Cool World
Marion Cole in The Door in the Floor
Carol McCoy in The Getaway
Maggie O'Connor in Bless the Child
Heather Evans in Final Analysis
Karen McCoy in The Real McCoy
Vicki Anderson in The Marrying Man
Kuki Gallmann in I Dreamed of Africa
May, Eddie's half-sister in Fool for Love
Maria in I Am Here
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