Joel Quenneville

Joel Quenneville
Joel Quenneville

Joel Norman Quenneville is a Canadian–American professional ice hockey coach and former player. He is the current head coach of the Florida Panthers of the National Hockey League (NHL). He won three Stanley Cup titles as head coach of the Chicago Blackhawks, and has also coached the St. Louis Blues and Colorado Avalanche. On January 15, 2016, he surpassed Al Arbour with his 783rd win as an NHL coach, making Quenneville second only to Scotty Bowman in total wins. He is often referred to by fans and players as "Coach Q" or simply as "Q".

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Joel Norman Quenneville
Date of Birth
September 15th, 1958
Birth Place
Canada, Ontario
Star Sign
185 cm | 6'1
Social Networks , Links
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