Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Rafael Phoenix is an American actor, environmentalist, animal rights activist, and producer. He has received numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a Grammy Award, and two Golden Globe Awards.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Joaquín Rafael Bottom
Date of Birth
October 28th, 1974
Birth Place
Puerto Rico
Star Sign
173 cm | 5'8
Social Networks , Links
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Commodus in Gladiator
Arthur Fleck in Joker
Theodore in Her
Jack Daglish in Hotel Rwanda
Merrill Hess in Signs
John R. Cash in Walk the Line
Lucius Hunt in The Village
Freddie Quell in The Master
Max California in 8mm
Kenai in Brother Bear
Larry "Doc" Sportello in Inherent Vice
Bobby Green in We Own the Night
Abe Lucas in Irrational Man
Charlie Sisters in The Sisters Brothers
Coulmier in Quills
Leonard Kraditor in Two Lovers
Jimmy Emmett in To Die For
Bruno Weiss in The Immigrant
Narrator in Earthlings
Joaquin Phoenix in I'm Still Here
Willie Gutierrez in The Yards
Clay in Clay Pigeons
Jesus in Mary Magdalene
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