Joanne Quay

Joanne Quay

Joanne Quay Swee Ling is a Malaysian former badminton player. Quay was the gold medalist at the 1998 World Junior Championships in the mixed doubles event partnered with Chan Chong Ming. She and Chan also won the silver medal in Asian Junior Championships. She was part of the national team that won the women's team silver medal at the 1998 Commonwelath Games. Quay left the Badminton Association of Malaysia in 2004 and joined the Kuala Lumpur Racquet Club (KLRC). She then went on to study at the Leeds Metropolitan University majoring in sports business management. As a Leeds Met Carnegie, she took part in badminton competition, and at the 2009 BUCS Championships, she won double titles in the women's and mixed doubles event. Quay now works as BAM’s high performance manager.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
March 17th, 1980
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