Jason Clarke

Jason Clarke
Jason Clarke

Jason Clarke is an Australian actor. Clarke has appeared in many TV series, and is known for playing Tommy Caffee on the television series Brotherhood. He has also appeared in many films, often as an antagonist. His film roles include Zero Dark Thirty (2012), White House Down (2013), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014), Terminator Genisys (2015), Everest (2015), Mudbound (2017), Chappaquiddick (2017), in which he portrayed Ted Kennedy, First Man (2018), in which he portrayed astronaut Ed White, and Pet Sematary (2019).

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General Info
Date of Birth
July 17th, 1969
Birth Place
Australia, Queensland
Star Sign
185 cm | 6'1
Social Networks , Links
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John Connor in Terminator Genisys
Rob Hall in Everest
'Red' Hamilton in Public Enemies
Howard Bondurant in Lawless
Ed White in First Man
Stenz in White House Down
Louis in Pet Sematary
Henry McAllan in Mudbound
Doug Tate in Trust
Frank Zariakas in Serenity
Dr. Eric Price in Winchester
Reinhard Heydrich in The Man with the Iron Heart
Ted Kennedy in Chappaquiddick
Lewis Morgan in The Aftermath
James in All I See Is You
Grigory Potemkin in Catherine the Great
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