Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis is an American actress, author, and activist. She made her film acting debut in 1978 as Laurie Strode in John Carpenter's horror film Halloween. The film established her as a scream queen, and she appeared in a string of horror films in 1980, including The Fog, Prom Night, and Terror Train. She reprised the role of Laurie in the sequels Halloween II (1981), Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998), Halloween: Resurrection (2002), and Halloween (2018).

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General Info
Date of Birth
November 22nd, 1958
Birth Place
United States of America, California
Star Sign
170 cm | 5'7
Social Networks , Links
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Linda Drysdale in Knives Out
Laurie in Halloween
Helen Tasker in True Lies
Wanda Gershwitz in A Fish Called Wanda
Laurie Strode in Halloween
Tess Coleman in Freaky Friday
Laurie Strode in Halloween II
Elizabeth Solley in The Fog
Laurie Strode, Keri Tate in Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
Shelly DeVoto in My Girl
Claire Cooper in Forever Young
Gail in You Again
Laurie Strode in Halloween: Resurrection
Willa Weston in Fierce Creatures
Kit Foster in Virus
Shelly Sultenfuss in My Girl 2
Kimberly Hammond in Prom Night
Megan Turner in Blue Steel
Rona in Drowning Mona
Dean Cathy Munsch in Scream Queens
Janet Beindorf in House Arrest
Jessie in Perfect
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