Isidore Dagnan

Isidore Dagnan
Isidore Dagnan

Isidore Dagnan, a French landscape painter, was born at Marseille in 1794, and died in Paris in 1873. His pictures consist chiefly of views in Southern France, Italy, and Switzerland. His works include the following:

  • Fontainebleau. Palace. View of Lausanne, 1822; View in Dauphiné. 1827.
  • Versailles. Trianon. Lake of Geneva, 1822;View of Paris from the Quai de la Cité, 1831 ; Banks of the Vigne near Vaucluse; Valley of the Lauterbrunnen, 1841; Petrarch's House; Old Beeches in the Forest of Fontainebleau.
From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
September 24th, 1788
Birth Place
France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Date of Death
November 8th, 1873
Died Aged
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