Hugh Roe O'Donnell

Hugh Roe O'Donnell
Hugh Roe O'Donnell

Hugh Roe O'Donnell, also known as Red Hugh O'Donnell, was a sixteenth-century Irish nobleman. He became ruler of Tyrconnell in 1593 after a succession dispute among the O'Donnell dynasty, and after escaping a five-year imprisonment in Dublin Castle by the English. Along with his father-in-law Hugh O'Neill of Tyrone, he led the Irish alliance in the Nine Years' War against the English government in Ireland. Hugh Roe led an Irish army to victory in the Battle of Curlew Pass. After defeat in the Siege of Kinsale, he travelled to Spain to seek support from Philip III. Unsuccessful, he died in Spain and was succeeded by his younger brother Rory O'Donnell. He is sometimes also known as Aodh Ruadh II or Red Hugh II, especially in his native County Donegal.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
October 30th, 1572
Birth Place
Ireland, Ulster, County Donegal
Date of Death
September 10th, 1602
Died Aged
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