Germanus of Auxerre

Germanus of Auxerre
Germanus of Auxerre

Germanus of Auxerre ; c. 378 – c. 442–448 AD) was a bishop of Auxerre in Late Antique Gaul. He abandoned a career as a high-ranking government official to devote his formidable energy towards the promotion of the church and the protection of his 'flock' in dangerous times: personally confronting, for instance, the barbarian king "Goar". In Britain he is best remembered for his journey to combat Pelagianism in or around 429 AD, and the records of this visit provide valuable information on the state of post-Roman British society. He also played an important part in the establishment and promotion of the Cult of Saint Alban. The saint was said to have revealed the story of his martyrdom to Germanus in a dream or holy vision, and Germanus ordered this to be written down for public display. Germanus is venerated as a saint in both the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches, which commemorate him on 31 July.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 0378
Birth Place
France, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Date of Death
July 31st, 0448
Died Aged
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