George Jung

George Jung
George Jung

George Jacob Jung, nicknamed Boston George and El Americano, is an American former drug trafficker and smuggler who was a major figure in the cocaine trade in the United States in the 1970s and early 1980s. Jung was a part of the Medellín Cartel, which was responsible for up to 90% of the cocaine smuggled into the United States. He specialized in the smuggling of cocaine from Colombia on a large scale. His life story was portrayed in the biopic Blow (2001), starring Johnny Depp as Jung. Jung was released from prison on June 2, 2014, after serving nearly 20 years for drug smuggling.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 6th, 1942
Birth Place
United States of America, Massachusetts
Date of Death
May 5th, 2021
Died Aged
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