George Crumb

George Crumb
George Crumb

George Henry Crumb or George Henry Jr. Crumb is an American composer of modern classical and avant-garde music. He is known as an explorer of unusual timbres, alternative forms of notation, and extended instrumental and vocal techniques, which obtain vivid sonorities. Examples include seagull effect for the cello, metallic vibrato for the piano, and using a mallet to play the strings of a double bass, among numerous others. Crumb’s most renowned works include Ancient Voices of Children (1970), Black Angels (1971), and Makrokosmos III (1974).

From *,
General Info
Full Name
George Henry Crumb Jr.
Date of Birth
October 24th, 1929
Birth Place
United States of America, West Virginia
Date of Death
February 6th, 2022
Died Aged
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