Emlyn Hughes

Emlyn Hughes
Emlyn Hughes

Emlyn Walter Hughes was an English footballer. He started his career in 1964 at Blackpool before moving to Liverpool in 1967. He made 665 appearances for Liverpool, and captained the side to four league titles and an FA Cup victory in the 1970s. Added to these domestic honours were two European Cups, including Liverpool's first in 1977; and two UEFA Cup titles. Hughes won the Football Writers' Player of the Year in 1977. Hughes completed a full set of English football domestic honours by winning the League Cup with Wolverhampton Wanderers in 1980. In addition to Wolves, he later played for Rotherham United, Hull City, Mansfield Town and Swansea City. Hughes earned 62 caps for the England national team, which he also captained.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 28th, 1947
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Date of Death
November 9th, 2004
Died Aged
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