Ed Gein

Ed Gein
Ed Gein

Edward Theodore Gein, also known as the Butcher of Plainfield or the Plainfield Ghoul, was an American convicted murderer and body snatcher. Gein's crimes, committed around his hometown of Plainfield, Wisconsin, gathered widespread notoriety in 1957 after authorities discovered he had exhumed corpses from local graveyards and fashioned trophies and keepsakes from their bones and skin. Gein also confessed to killing two women: tavern owner Mary Hogan in 1954 and hardware store owner Bernice Worden in 1957.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Edward Theodore Gein
Date of Birth
August 27th, 1906
Birth Place
United States of America, Wisconsin
Date of Death
July 26th, 1984
Died Aged
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