Doug Mountjoy

Doug Mountjoy

Doug Mountjoy was a Welsh snooker player. He was a mainstay of the professional snooker circuit during the late 1970s and 1980s, and remained within the top 16 of the world rankings for eleven consecutive years. He began his professional snooker career by clinching the title at the 1977 Masters tournament, which he had entered as a late replacement. He won both the 1978 UK Championship and the 1979 Irish Masters, and reached the final of the 1981 World Championship where he lost to Steve Davis. He also finished in second place at the 1985 Masters, but by 1988 he had dropped out of the top 16.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
June 8th, 1942
Birth Place
United Kingdom, Wales
Date of Death
February 14th, 2021
Died Aged
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