Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper
Dennis Hopper

Dennis Lee Hopper was an American actor and filmmaker. He attended the Actors Studio, made his first television appearance in 1954, and soon after appeared alongside James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause (1955), and Giant (1956). In the next ten years he made a name in television, and by the end of the 1960s had appeared in several films, notably Cool Hand Luke (1967) and Hang 'Em High (1968). Hopper also began a prolific and acclaimed photography career in the 1960s.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
May 17th, 1936
Birth Place
United States of America, Kansas
Date of Death
May 29th, 2010
Died Aged
Star Sign
173 cm | 5'8
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Directed works
Howard Payne in Speed
Clifford Worley in True Romance
Frank Booth in Blue Velvet
Deacon in Waterworld
Billy in Easy Rider
Kaufman in Land of the Dead
Shooter in Hoosiers
Father in Rumble Fish
King Koopa in Super Mario Bros.
Lieutenant 'Lefty' Enright in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Lyle in Red Rock West
Benny Chains in Knockaround Guys
George O'Hearn in Elegy
Tom Ripley in The American Friend
Tony in Alpha and Omega
Father Duffy in House of 9
Ben in Black Widow
Narrator in Inside Deep Throat
Richard Tremayne in The Osterman Weekend
Huey Walker in Flashback
Red in Boiling Point
Alex Swan in Ticker
Milo in Catchfire
Frank in Palermo Shooting
Ben Cendars in Crash
Paris Trout in Paris Trout
Frank Hector in Straight Shooter
William Bradford Berrigan in Blood Red
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