Danny Trejo

Danny Trejo
Danny Trejo

Dan Trejo is an American actor and restaurateur who has appeared in numerous Hollywood films. His films include Heat (1995), Con Air (1997), Bubble Boy (2001), and Desperado (1995), the last with frequent collaborator and his cousin Robert Rodriguez. Trejo is perhaps most recognized as the character Machete, originally developed by Rodriguez for the Spy Kids series of movies and later expanded into Trejo's own series of films aimed at a more adult audience. He has appeared in TV shows such as Breaking Bad, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The X-Files, King of the Hill, The Flash, and Sons of Anarchy. He has also appeared in several music videos for the American band Slayer.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
May 16th, 1944
Birth Place
United States of America, California, Los Angeles
Star Sign
167 cm | 5'6
Social Networks , Links
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Machete in Machete
Machete in Machete Kills
Slim in Bubble Boy
Frank in Bad Ass
Russ in Violet & Daisy
Big Biz in In the Blood
Drayke Salgado in Recoil
Kumare in Le Jaguar
El Balde in Seis Manos
Jorge Reyes, Javier Reyes in The Contractor
Grave-digger in Bullets of Justice
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