Carlos Lamarca

Carlos Lamarca
Carlos Lamarca

Carlos Lamarca was a Brazilian Army Captain who deserted to become a member of the armed resistance to the Brazilian dictatorship. He was a part of the Popular Revolutionary Vanguard and became, along with Carlos Marighella, one of the leaders of the armed struggle against the military dictatorship. Such groups were armed chiefly for self-protection from the Right-wing dictatorship that unleashed state terrorism against any who opposed their regime, including students, the clergy, and the children of those who called for democracy. The kidnappings by a few armed groups were conducted to free comrades suffering extremely brutal torture in Brazil's prisons.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
October 27th, 1937
Birth Place
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Date of Death
September 17th, 1971
Died Aged
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