Berenice IV of Egypt

Berenice IV of Egypt

Berenice IV Epiphaneia was a Greek princess and Queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty. From 58–55 BC, Berenice IV ruled Egypt during the political exile of her father Ptolemy XII Auletes to Rome. It is unclear if she was co-ruler of Egypt with her mother Cleopatra V or a possible sibling Cleopatra VI from 58–57 BC, but became sole ruler in 57 BC. On the return of Ptolemy XII to Egypt with Roman military aid and an army led by Aulus Gabinius, Berenice IV was overthrown and executed by her rival father, who later bequeathed his throne to his daughter Cleopatra VII and son Ptolemy XIII as co-rulers.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Irypatet Werethesut Berenice IV Epiphaneia
Date of Birth
January 1st, -0077
Birth Place
Egypt, Alexandria Governorate
Date of Death
January 1st, -0055
Died Aged
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