Alfred H. Colquitt

Alfred H. Colquitt
Alfred H. Colquitt

Alfred Holt Colquitt was an American lawyer, preacher, soldier, and politician. Elected as the 49th Governor of Georgia (1877–1882), he was one of numerous Democrats elected to office as white conservatives took back power in the state at the end of the Reconstruction era. He was elected by the Georgia state legislature to two terms as U.S. Senator, serving from 1883 to 1894 and dying in office. He had served as a United States officer in the Mexican-American War and in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War, reaching the rank of brigadier general.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
April 20th, 1824
Birth Place
United States of America, Georgia
Date of Death
March 26th, 1894
Died Aged
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