Alberto Santofimio Botero

Alberto Santofimio Botero

Alberto Santofimio Botero is a Colombian politician, a member of the Colombian Liberal Party. He has been Minister of Justice, a two-time presidential candidate and a Senator. He was considered to be a sure bet for president in 1982, but he decided to let his boss, Alfonso López Michelsen who had been President from 1974 to 1978, run for reelection. In the 1990s, Santofimio was involved in the campaign Process 8000 as head of the Liberal Party in Tolima Department as that party's office was accused of receiving money from companies part of an investigation in order to support the campaign for the presidency of Colombia for Ernesto Samper.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
June 17th, 1942
Birth Place
Colombia, Tolima Department
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