Élisabeth de Gramont

Élisabeth de Gramont
Élisabeth de Gramont

Antoinette Corisande Élisabeth, Duchess of Clermont-Tonnerre was a French writer of the early 20th century, best known for her long-term lesbian relationship with Natalie Clifford Barney, an American writer. Élisabeth de Gramont had grown up among the highest aristocracy; when she was a child, according to Janet Flanner, "peasants on her farm... begged her not to clean her shoes before entering their houses". She looked back on this lost world of wealth and privilege with little regret, and became known as the "red duchess" for her support of socialism and feminism.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
April 23rd, 1875
Birth Place
France, Grand Est
Date of Death
December 6th, 1954
Died Aged
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