List of Famous people named Zlatan

Here are some famous Zlatans:

Zlatan Ibrahimović

First Name Zlatan
Born on October 3, 1981 (age 42)
Height 195 cm | 6'5

Zlatan Ibrahimović is a Swedish professional footballer who plays as a striker for Serie A club A.C. Milan. Ibrahimović is widely regarded as one of the best strikers of all time. He is one of the most decorated active footballers in the world, having won 31 trophies in his career. He has scored over 560 career goals, and has scored in each of the last four decades.

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Zlatan Ljubijankič

Zlatan Ljubijankić is a Slovenian footballer who plays as a forward.

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Zlatan Alomerović

First Name Zlatan
Born on June 15, 1991 (age 33)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Zlatan Alomerović is a Serbian-German footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Lechia Gdańsk.

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Zlatan Arnavutoviç

First Name Zlatan
Born on January 1, 1954 (age 70)
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