List of Famous people named Yuliy

Similar names: Yulia, Yuliya, Yuli, Yuly, Yul, Yule, Iulia, Iulla. Here are some famous Yuliys:

Yuliy Kim

First Name Yuliy
Born on December 23, 1936 (age 88)
Born in Russia

Yuliy Chersanovich Kim is one of Russia's foremost bards, composer, poet, songwriter for theater and films. His songs, encompassing everything from mild humor to biting political satire, appear in at least fifty Soviet movies, including Bumbarash, The Twelve Chairs, and An Ordinary Miracle, as well as the songs "The Brave Captain," "The Black Sea," "The Whale-Fish," "Cursed Lips," "Captain Bering," and "Baron Germont Went to War." Since 1998, he has been living in Israel and has made periodic tours through Russia, Europe, and the United States.

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Yuliy Sannikov

First Name Yuliy
Born on November 3, 1978 (age 46)

Yuliy Sannikov is a Ukrainian economist known for his contributions to mathematical economics, game theory, and corporate finance. He is an economics professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, and won both the 2015 Fischer Black Prize and 2016 John Bates Clark Medal.

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