List of Famous people named Wichard

Here are some famous Wichards:

Wichard von Alvensleben

First Name Wichard
Last Name Alvensleben
Born on May 19, 1902
Died on August 14, 1982 (aged 80)

Wichard von Alvensleben was a German agriculturist, Wehrmacht Officer, and Knight of the Order of Saint John. Alvensleben was the commander of Wehrmacht troops stationed in April 1945 at Bozen, whence he led his troops to liberate the prisoners being held by the SS at Tyrol.

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Wichard Joachim Heinrich von Möllendorf

First Name Wichard
Last Name Möllendorf
Born on January 7, 1724
Died on January 28, 1816 (aged 92)
Born in Germany, Brandenburg

Wichard Joachim Heinrich von Möllendorf was a Generalfeldmarschall of the Kingdom of Prussia.

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