List of Famous people named Whitey

Similar names: Whit. Here are some famous Whiteys:

Whitey Bulger

James Joseph Bulger
First Name Whitey
Born on September 3, 1929
Died on October 30, 2018 (aged 89)

James Joseph "Whitey" Bulger Jr. was an Irish-American organized crime boss and FBI informant who led the Winter Hill Gang in the Winter Hill neighborhood of Somerville, Massachusetts, a city directly northwest of Boston. On December 23, 1994, Bulger fled the Boston area and went into hiding after his former FBI handler, John Connolly, tipped him off about a pending RICO indictment against him. Bulger remained at large for sixteen years. After his 2011 arrest, federal prosecutors tried Bulger for nineteen murders based on the grand jury testimony from Kevin Weeks and other former criminal associates.

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Whitey Schafer

Adolph Lorenz Schafer
First Name Whitey
Died on August 31, 1951

Adolph L. "Whitey" Schafer was an American photographer known for his pin-ups and glamour photography. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Schafer grew up in California and began working in the movies in 1921. He took still photos of movie stars for several studios, including Columbia and Paramount. Schafer was killed by an explosion on a yacht in 1951.

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Whitey Ford

First Name Whitey
Born on October 21, 1928
Died on October 8, 2020 (aged 91)

Edward Charles "Whitey" Ford, nicknamed "The Chairman of the Board", was an American professional baseball pitcher who played his entire 16-year Major League Baseball (MLB) career with the New York Yankees. He was a 10-time All-Star and 6-time World Series champion. In 1961, he won both the Cy Young Award and World Series Most Valuable Player Award. Ford led the American League (AL) in wins three times and in earned run average (ERA) twice. He is the Yankees franchise leader in career wins (236), shutouts (45), innings pitched, and games started by a pitcher. Ford was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1974.

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Whitey Lockman

First Name Whitey
Born on July 25, 1926
Died on March 17, 2009 (aged 82)

Carroll Walter "Whitey" Lockman was a left-handed first baseman and outfielder, coach, manager and front office executive in American Major League Baseball.

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