List of Famous people named Wagner

Name Wagner is among the most common names in Brazil. Here are some famous Wagners:

Wagner Moura

Wagner Maniçoba de Moura
First Name Wagner
Last Name Moura
Born on June 27, 1976 (age 48)
Born in Brazil, Bahia
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Wagner Maniçoba de Moura is a Brazilian actor, filmmaker, musician, and journalist. Besides being a well-established and acclaimed actor in Brazil, he has achieved international fame for roles in Elite Squad (2007), its sequel: Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010) and Elysium (2013) as Spider. He received a Golden Globe nomination for his role as Pablo Escobar in the first two seasons of the Netflix series Narcos (2015–2016).

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Wagner Rosário

First Name Wagner
Last Name Rosário
Born on January 1, 1975 (age 50)
Born in Brazil, Minas Gerais

Wagner de Campos Rosário is the current Brazilian Minister of Transparency, Supervision and Control, having temporarily assumed the post after the resignation of Torquato Jardim and the refusal of Osmar Serraglio, and became effective thereafter. On November 20, 2018, President-elect Jair Bolsonaro stated that Wagner Campos will remain in the ministry. Rosário served as a career servant at the Ministry of Transparency, Supervision and Control and, from August 2016 until March 2017, he was executive secretary of the pulp. He was also captain of the Army.

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Wágner Ferreira dos Santos

First Name Wágner
Last Name Santos
Born on January 29, 1985 (age 40)
Born in Brazil, Minas Gerais
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Wágner Ferreira dos Santos, simply known as Wágner, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Vila Nova.

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Wagner Fernando Velloso

First Name Wagner
Last Name Velloso
Born on September 22, 1968 (age 56)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
Height 190 cm | 6'3

Wagner Fernando Velloso, is a Brazilian former professional footballer and former manager who currently works as a pundit for Bandeirantes.

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Wagner Lopes

First Name Wagner
Last Name Lopes
Born on January 29, 1969 (age 56)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Wagner Lopes is a Brazilian-born Japanese former professional footballer who played as a forward, and is a manager.

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Wagner Miranda Schwartz

First Name Wagner
Last Name Schwartz
Born on December 2, 1972 (age 52)

Wagner Miranda Schwartz is a Brazilian performer, choreographer and writer.

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Wagner Prado

First Name Wagner
Last Name Prado
Born on December 30, 1987 (age 37)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Wagner Prado is a Brazilian mixed martial artist currently competing in the light heavyweight division. A professional competitor since 2009, he has formerly competed for the UFC and KSW.

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Wagner Rossi

First Name Wagner
Last Name Rossi
Born on January 27, 1943 (age 82)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Wagner Duarte

First Name Wagner
Last Name Duarte
Born on October 16, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Wagner Canhedo

First Name Wagner
Last Name Canhedo
Born on January 20, 1936 (age 89)
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