List of Famous people named Tuan

Here are some famous Tuans:

Tuan Yi-kang

First Name Tuan
Last Name Yi-kang
Born on November 14, 1963 (age 60)
Born in Taiwan

Tuan Yi-kang is a Taiwanese politician. A former leader of the Democratic Progressive Party's now-abolished New Tide faction, he has served on the party's Central Standing Committee, the Taipei City Council and the Legislative Yuan.

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Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man

First Name Tuan
Last Name Man
Born on August 27, 1960 (age 63)

Tuan Ibrahim bin Tuan Man is a Malaysian politician who has served as the Minister of Environment and Water in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) administration led by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin since March 2020, Member of Parliament (MP) for Kubang Kerian since May 2018 and Deputy President of the Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), a component party of PN coalition, since June 2015. He served as Member of the Pahang State Legislative Assembly (MLA) for Jengka from November 1999 to March 2004.

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