List of Famous people named Sundar

Here are some famous Sundars:

Sundar Pichai

சுந்தர் பிச்சை-
First Name Sundar
Last Name Pichai
Born on July 10, 1972 (age 52)
Born in India

Pichai Sundararajan, known as Sundar Pichai, is an Indian-American business executive. He is the chief executive officer (CEO) of Alphabet Inc. and its subsidiary Google.

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Sundar Raj

First Name Sundar
Last Name Raj
Born on November 30, 1950 (age 73)
Born in India

Sundar Raj is an Indian film actor in the Kannada film industry (Sandalwood). Some of the notable films of Sundar Raj as an actor include Tabbaliyu Neenade Magane, Ondanondu Kaladalli,Chandanada Gombe, Kurigalu Saar Kurigalu (2001), Mathadana (2001), Aakasmika (1993).

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Sundar C.

First Name Sundar
Last Name C.
Born on January 21, 1968 (age 56)
Born in India

Vinayagar Sundar Vel, also known as Sundar C., is an Indian film director and actor. He has directed over 32 films in Tamil and acted in over nine movies as the protagonist. Initially, he worked as an assistant director to Manivannan. His notable films include Ullathai Allitha (1996), Arunachalam (1997), Anbe Sivam (2003), Winner (2003), Giri (2004), Kalakalappu (2012), Theeya Velai Seiyyanum Kumaru (2013), Aranmanai (2014) and Kalakalappu 2 (2018).

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