List of Famous people named Sondra

Here are some famous Sondras:

Sondra Locke

Sandra Louise Smith
First Name Sondra
Born on May 28, 1944
Died on November 3, 2018 (aged 74)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Sandra Louise Anderson, professionally known as Sondra Locke, was an American actress and director. She made her film debut in 1968 in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She went on to star in such hit films as Willard, The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Gauntlet, Every Which Way but Loose, Bronco Billy, Any Which Way You Can and Sudden Impact. She worked often with Clint Eastwood, who was her companion for 14 years. She also directed four films, notably Impulse. Locke's autobiography, The Good, the Bad, and the Very Ugly: A Hollywood Journey, was published in 1997.

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Sondra Currie

First Name Sondra
Born on January 11, 1947 (age 78)

Sondra Currie is an American actress. Currie is married to television and film director Alan J. Levi. As a couple, Currie and Levi co-produced the short film “Take My Hand." The film is directed by Levi and written by actress Eileen Grubba. Currie stars alongside Grubba and Barbara Bain.

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