List of Famous people named Shiva

Similar names: Shiv, Shevah. Here are some famous Shivas:

Shiva Rajkumar

First Name Shiva
Last Name Rajkumar
Born on July 12, 1961 (age 63)
Born in India

Nagaraju Shiva Puttaswamy, known by his screen name Shiva Rajkumar, is an Indian film actor, producer and television presenter, best known for his work in Kannada cinema. He is the eldest son of actor Rajkumar. In a career spanning over three decades, Shiva has worked in over 120 films.

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Shiva Ayyadurai

First Name Shiva
Last Name Ayyadurai
Born on December 2, 1963 (age 61)
Born in India

V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai is an Indian-American engineer, politician, entrepreneur, and promoter of conspiracy theories and unfounded medical claims. He is notable for his widely disputed claim to be the "inventor of email", based on the electronic mail software called "EMAIL" he wrote as a New Jersey high school student in the late 1970s. Initial reports that repeated Ayyadurai's assertion—from organizations such as The Washington Post and the Smithsonian Institution—were followed by public retractions. These corrections were triggered by objections from historians and ARPANET pioneers who pointed out that email was already actively used in the early 1970s.

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Shiva Keshavan

First Name Shiva
Last Name Keshavan
Born on August 25, 1981 (age 43)
Born in India
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Shiva Keshavan is a six time Olympian and the first Indian representative to compete in luge at the Winter Olympic Games. He set a new Asian speed record at 134.3 km/h (83.5 mph) after beating the previous record of 131.9 km/h (82.0 mph) and won gold medal in the 2011 Asian Luge Cup at Nagano in Japan. In 2012, he set a new Asian track record at 49.590 seconds. He is the reigning Asian Champion.

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Shiva N'Zigou

First Name Shiva
Last Name N'Zigou
Born on October 24, 1983 (age 41)

Shiva N'Zigou is a Gabonese former footballer who last played as a striker for French club Saint-Nazaire AF.

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