List of Famous people named Scatman

Here are some famous Scatmans:

Scatman John

Jonathan Paul Larkin
First Name Scatman
Born on March 13, 1942
Died on December 3, 1999 (aged 57)

John Paul Larkin, known professionally as Scatman John was an American musician and singer who created a fusion of scat singing and dance music, best known for his 1995 hits "Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop)" and "Scatman's World".

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Scatman Crothers

Benjamin Sherman Crothers
First Name Scatman
Born on May 23, 1910
Died on November 22, 1986 (aged 76)

Benjamin Sherman Crothers, known professionally as Scatman Crothers, was an American actor and musician. He played Louie the Garbage Man on the TV show Chico and the Man and Dick Hallorann in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (1980). He was also a prolific voice-over actor who provided the voices of Meadowlark Lemon in the Harlem Globetrotters animated TV series, Jazz the Autobot in The Transformers and The Transformers: The Movie (1986), the title character in Hong Kong Phooey, and Scat Cat in the animated film The Aristocats (1970).

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